Hallucination, by definition, is a false belief regarding your senses. You might hear sounds, feel touch, smell something, or get a taste of something that doesn’t exist, which means those experiences seem real but are not. There are several causes of hallucinations and treatment depends on the cause.
When a person experiences symptoms of hallucinations, those symptoms may result from a mental illness, physical illness, or medicinal side effects. Consulting a medical expert is a must. You might see reputed psychiatrists at the best rehabilitation centre in Siliguri.
The difference between delusions and hallucinations is a delusion is an unshakable belief in something false and a hallucination is a sensory experience that is also untrue/has no real existence.
Signs and symptoms of hallucination
Given below are symptoms of hallucinations based on their types:
Visual hallucination
Seeing objects moving such as animals, insects, or even a human which aren’t real.
Auditory hallucinations
Hearing something, such as voices, or radio sounds that don’t even exist.
Gustatory hallaucinations
Getting a taste of something that a person doesn’t ingest.
Olfactory hallucinations
Getting a smell of something that doesn’t really exist.
Somatic hallucination
Feeling something/things, such as being tickled, or an insect crawling on your skin, which are not real.
What are the causes of hallucinations?
Auditory hallucinations
- Schizophrenia
- Psychosis
- Drug use
- Bipolar disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Sleep disorders
- Brain lesions
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
Visual hallucination
- Schizophrenia
- Seizures
- Bipolar disorder
- Migraine
- Depression
- Seizures
- Sleep problems
- Brain damage
- Parkinson’s disease
- Dementia
- Delirium
- Brain tumors
Gustatory hallaucinations
- Sinus disease
- Temporal lobe disease
- Epilepsy
- Brain tumors/lesions
Olfactory hallucinations
- Sinus inflammation
- Temporal lobe disease
- Cold
- Brain tumors
- Head injury
Somatic hallucination
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Alzheimer's disease
- Schizophrenia
- Lewy body dementia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Delirium tremens
- Drug use
- Alcohol misuse
Further possible causes of hallucinations are stage 3 HIV/AIDS, kidney failure, Charles Bonnet Syndrome, liver failure, etc. There are other types of hallucinations as well, such as presence hallucinations, hypnopompic hallucinations, proprioceptive hallucinations, hypnagogic hallucinations. Consult top psychiatrists at the most trusted rehabilitation centre in Siliguri.
Treatment of hallucinations
There are some treatment options for hallucination healing. However treatment depends on the cause of the hallucination and for diagnosis, the patient may undergo a physical exam, MRI, EEG, etc. Medications and therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy work well for hallucination healing and management.
Among meds, doctors can prescribe schizophrenia, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, anti-seizure drugs, etc. If infection, high fever, or severe dehydration is the reason, the patients receive medical care for that. Surgery or radiation therapy may be advised if a brain tumor is the underlying reason. Reach out to the most trusted detox center in Siliguri.